Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Let’s  take a walk and take the crossroads of life
Appreciate what is around you for later they will become a memory
Enjoy life’s blessings offer a hand extend and share
If someone hurt you, don’t fight back instead show them  goodness
For Love comes with pain and pain will embrace love in time

Ssshhh … Listen , be silent for a while and listen
Listen to the beating of your heart and the beating of their hearts
Can you hear the songs?
Listen to the notes of their words, for their voice could be your voice

Feel… the warmth of the sun, stroking your bare skin..
It’s warmth reminds us of our love that we hope would last
The wind kisses your cheek, it’s a message from someone who remembers you
Let them feel your existence your love, let them feel what is love to you

Cry.. Not because you are weak, but because you’re human
Let those tears drop that is not for them but for you
Each drop  is a start, a happiness that’s waiting..
A smile that will be awaken soon..

Breathe .. Enjoy the sweetness of life
It might hurt but just breathe
Each breath you take is an equivalent of life
A Bud that is willing to flourish and bloom

And Love.. Love as if there is no tomorrow
Make him feel what you feel
Show him what love looks like in your own perspective
It will be an undying memory soon

The road to happiness, pain, sorrow, hatred, hope and Love can only be determined by Time.. A time for everything to take its place, to take its course.. A time to enjoy life’s senses.. A time to live and breathe and a time to love…. The crossroads are always open.. It's a matter of choice and destiny will reveal itself once you have chosen

Venus transit June 5 2012

Transit of Venus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the astronomical phenomenon. For other uses, see Transit of Venus (disambiguation).

171 ångströms (17.1 nm)

Continuous visible spectrum.
False-color ultraviolet and visible spectrum images of the 2012 transit of Venus, as taken from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
A transit of Venus across the Sun takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth (or another planet), becoming visible against (and hence obscuring a small portion of) the solar disk. During a transit, Venus can be seen from Earth as a small black disk moving across the face of the Sun. The duration of such transits is usually measured in hours (the transit of 2012 lasted 6 hours and 40 minutes). A transit is similar to a solar eclipse by the Moon. While the diameter of Venus is more than 3 times that of the Moon, Venus appears smaller, and travels more slowly across the face of the Sun, because it is much farther away from Earth.
Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena.[1] They occur in a pattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years. The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital periods of Earth and Venus are close to 8:13 and 243:395 commensurabilities.[2][3]
The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transits of Venus will be December 10–11, 2117, and in December 2125

few days before her birthday

happy 66th birthday nanay ^^ mwa mwa