Saturday, March 3, 2012

what does a butterfly symbolizes?

They have a very short life span but they did not fail to fascinate us with their beauty..

Butterfly Beliefs and Superstitions
By Elizabeth Yetter

Not surprisingly, the butterfly symbolizes the soul. In some cases, this means the souls of the dead. The butterfly also symbolizes metamorphosis (change) and rebirth (exiting the chrysalis).
To the Japanese, the butterfly is the emblem of womanhood because of its grace and lightness.
Fairies are often portrayed with the wings of butterflies, as well as some medieval angels.
The Greek goddess Psyche had the wings of a butterfly, her name meaning both soul and butterfly.
The Aztecs believed that the butterfly was the breath of life exhaled by a dying person.
In Europe, North America, and the Pacific it was also believed that the butterfly was the physical form of the soul.
In Ireland it was believed that if a butterfly was seen near a corpse it meant eternal happiness for the deceased.
To see a white butterfly brings good luck.
In Europe it is a warning of death to see a butterfly fluttering at night.

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