Tuesday, July 10, 2012


just got back from work... my eyes are about to pop out.. but it was a long calm night ^__^.. and a good one also.. i talked to lollipop heheh... and early in the morning i went out to see the sunrise... it's color purple...  now, i am about to hit my bed, my eyes are sleepy but i got the first good news... my senior will sign one very important paper. ^__^ still i'm praying for october and if it will be confirmed, I will thank the Lord very much... slowly but surely and crossing my fingers and hoping for the best to come~~ Whoa! i can't sleep yet... i'm eating breakfast.. my second time of eating breakfast.. the first one was in the hospital before i went home. Now, my friend is offering garlic rice, i can't turned that down..  Yum yum! A blessed morning for all of us ^_________^ smile

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