Friday, July 20, 2012


a fine day today. but there were times that they have to test your patience.. Conclusion:  i need more patience... hehehe..  i get easily irritated.. not all the times i'll be smiling at you... just don't test me, because if there is one thing that i don't like about myself, it's getting angry... but i saw how  the sun sets this afternoon.. though it is holiday here, you can see people taking their afternoon walk.. Good thing we have a very big window at our area... it made me relax for quite some time.. it made me think a lot of things.. a lot of things that i need to consider in the future... i'm not worried but sometimes thinking is also one way of planning... and thinking is also a way of reminiscing things in the past..   nice.... now, i'm giving myself a headache hehehhhe.. but i'm hoping all will be well.. and i hope i can get things back in the tracks again... i'm missing the old me.. me whose being carefree and just enjoy life as it is.. now more responsibilities are coming.. i really don't like it... but i'm trying to hold it in a subtle manner, but i hope i could have one time for myself only... in a place where there is only silence .. a good music.. a good book and a very nice view.... i'll be having that tonight in my dreams... i hope hihihihi..... i'm gonna hit the hays for now.. A new day begins tomorrow~~~ Good night world ^_^

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